A Special Vipassanā Meditation Retreat Under the Guidance of Sayādaw U Tejañāṇa

August 18-24, 2024

Thư Mời     Link đăng ký-Tiếng Việt

Link to Registration-English

Food Donation (English - Việt)  


Retreat Coordinators:

    Ha Troung, Tel: (510) 579-3951


    Naing Aay, Tel: (650) 296-2378




Meditation Instructions     Retreat Information & Rules 



Zoom daily dhamma talk: Meeting ID: 824 5282 3818   (passcode: 491098)



TD Airport Shuttle: (669) 226-2222, thanhducairport@gmail.com 


Dear Yogis,

We would like to invite you to participate in a special seven-day Vipassanā intensive retreat under the guidance of Sayādaw U Tejañāṇa at Tathāgata Meditation Center (TMC) from 5 AM August 18 to 7 PM August 24, 2024.

Sayādaw U Tejañāṇa is currently one of the meditation teachers at Tathāgata Meditation Center (TMC). Before coming to TMC in 2017, he taught Vipassanā meditation for five years from 2011-2016 at Vipassanā Meditation Center in Singapore and assisted in teaching Vipassanā meditation for almost three years from 2009-2011 at Panditarāma International Forest Meditation Center in Bago State, Burma. He has been an assistant to TMC’s Abbott, Sayadaw U Thuzana, since 2017. In this capacity, he has helped many Vipassanā meditation retreats at TMC. The retreat program consists of Vipassanā meditation practice, Dhamma talks, and interviews. The daily practice during the retreat starts at 5 A.M. and ends at 10 P.M. Interested yogis should fill out the enclosed registration form and mail it back with full retreat fees to TMC as soon as possible. The center will inform yogis about their status within two weeks after receiving their applications or by August 14, 2024.

Once accepted, please bring a sleeping bag or blanket, a bottle, and other daily necessities with you when coming to the retreat. Please check in between 5 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on August 17, 2024. Room assignment and orientation packet will be handed out upon checking in with the TMC’s retreat coordinator or registrar at the office.

Should you have any questions regarding the retreat, please contact Naing Aay at 650-296-2378 or Ha Truong at 510-579-3951 or email to: tmc.short.retreat@gmail.com.

May you all be well, happy, and peaceful!

In Metta,

Tathagata Meditation Center